Sunday, November 2, 2008

"The Cask Of Amontillado"- Edgar Allan Poe

This story was really creepy, In the story Montresor wants revenge on Fortunato, it is unknown why. He tricks him into trying the Amontillado thats in his wine celler and basically buries him alive inside the walls. Montresor enjoys listening to the drunk Fortunato scream while he is building the wall up in front of him, which shows that he is obviously not mentally stable. This story was good to read beacause it keeps you wondering you want to know what happens next as the story unfolds

"Araby"- James Joyce

As we learned in class this story has elements of irish literature. The boy in the story wanted nothing more than to get Mangan's attention so he went to araby to buy her a gift. At the end he was dissapointed that he couldn't find anything for her. The last line of the short story says "Gazing up into the darkness I saw myself as a creature driven and derided by vanity; and my eyes burned with anguish and anger". I think the epiphany of the story is, he realized that love is not easy and not exactly what he thought it was, he was angry at the fact that he couldn't buy anything to win Mangan's heart.

"The Lone Ranger And Tonto Fist Fight In Heaven" Sherman Alexie

This story is about and indian born man who is in love with a "white" woman and he can not be with her because he feels as if he doesn't fit in in Seattle and in the world that she lives in because he is and "outcast"and he doesn't want to be in the indian reservation either. He always has these very disturbing dreams of the Indians and cowboys killing one another. The man is very lost in his life. He doesn't have a job all he does is hang out all day and watch game shows on tv and drink, until he tries to better himself at the end and he gets a job and stops the drinking.

I liked this story. I felt bad for the main character because he was lost in his life. And he was discriminated upon because he was indian. People would just look at him and be scared without even knowing anything about him, like the clerk in 7-11.