Thursday, September 25, 2008

"The Hills Like White Elephants"-Ernest Hemingway

"Everything tastes of licorice. Especially all the things you've waited so long for, like absinthe."

To me this quote states that Jig wanted to have a baby for a long time and now that she finally is pregnant everything is going sour, the american basically wants just her not the baby, just for a good time. To most people licorice is not a good flavor, very bitter. I think Hemingway is using this as symbloism he is showing that the girls life with the american is not what she expected and wanted, but the complete opposite.

I did not like this story, the man in the story makes me sick for being selfish and not even caring about his unborn child, and from what we learned in class of the author I also do not like him.

1 comment:

J OBrien said...

This is better. You went a little further in your analysis. Next time try to really explore the story.